Church and General History (since 2018)

Basic characteristics

  • The Doctoral Program in Ecclesiastical and General History focuses on scientific research and independent creative professional activity in the field of the history of Christianity against the background of the general development of the history of human society. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary interconnection of church history with related disciplines such as general history, auxiliary historical sciences, archaeology, Christian iconography, literary studies and theological disciplines (especially biblical studies and liturgics).

  • Emphasis is placed on the interconnection of individual historical disciplines, world and Czech history, ecclesiastical and general history, history of art, history of theology, and history of culture.

  • The uniqueness of study programme Church and General History is seen primarily in the interpretation of history in the context of the development of Christianity and theology.

Within the program of study, there are more focused studies on specific epochs of Christian history:


Church and general history of antiquity


Church and general history of the Middle Ages


Church and general history of the early modern period


Church and general history of the 19th and 20th centuries

Applying the acquired education

  • Graduates of the doctoral program gain a deep insight into the ecclesiastical and general history of Europe, especially the Czech lands. His knowledge is based mainly on a thorough knowledge of Bohemian and Central European issues, which he can compare with the situation in other European countries.

  • They are able to work with written and partly also material sources, they can critically evaluate them and systematically use their knowledge for scientific and scientific-popularization work.

  • Graduates can find employment in a wide range of institutions involved in scientific research, in cultural and educational institutions, and in departments of education, interest, social, religious and political organizations. For example, it can be used in historical, art-historical or literary museums or galleries, or other associations dedicated to the presentation of European cultural heritage.

Study obligations

  • Studijní plán ke stažení

  • The doctoral seminar is compulsory in all four years of study as the core subject of the entire study programme. It also includes a presentation of the current form of the dissertation in the form of a professional colloquium.

  • Other duties of a PhD student at CU: publishing activities, participation in conferences, trying to get a grant, completing a foreign stay of at least 3 months.

Assessment of study performance

  • It is conducted in accordance with the valid individual study plan. The student may take the examination of the registered course a maximum of two times, i.e. he/she is entitled to one make-up examination.

  • The results of the exam are classified as "pass" - "fail".

  • A board examination (minimum of 2 examiners) is required for all three compulsory languages and a protocol.

Regular completion of study

  • The study is duly completed by the state doctoral examination and the defence of the dissertation.

  • The subject areas approved by the departmental board for the state doctoral examinations are based on the relevant field of study in which the student has been admitted (ecclesiastical and general history of antiquity, or the Middle Ages, or the early modern period, or the 19th and 20th centuries). A thorough knowledge of history, sources and literature is required. Thematic areas here.

  • The dissertation demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent research or development or independent theoretical activity. The dissertation must contain original and published results. The expected length of the thesis is 200-400 pages.

  • Graduates are awarded the academic degree "Doctor" (abbreviated as Ph.D. after their name).

Subject-area board

Chairperson, guarantor:

prof. PhDr. Petr Kubín, Ph.D. Th.D.

Catholic Theological Faculty Charles University



Mgr. Kateřina Bobková-Valentová, Ph.D.

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences

PhDr. Eva Doležalová, Ph.D.

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences | KTF UK

Mgr. Jiří Just, Th.D.

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences

doc. PhDr. Petr Koura, Ph.D.

Faculty of Education

Charles University

Mgr. Hedvika Kuchařová, Ph.D.

Strahov library

prof. PhDr. Jiří Mikulec, CSc.

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Faculty of Education

Charles University

prof. PhDr. Hana Pátková, Ph.D.

Faculty of Arts Charles University

prof. PhDr. Tomáš Petráček, Ph.D. Th.D.

University of Hradec Králové ‐ Faculty of Education / CTF CU

prof. PhDr. Marie Ryantová, CSc.

Faculty of Arts University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šebek, Ph.D., DSc.

Historický ústav AV ČR

doc. PhDr. Miloš Sládek, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. ThLic. Marek Šmíd, Ph.D.

CTF CU / Faculty of Arts Theological Faculty University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

doc. David Vopřada, Dr.


PhDr. Jan Zelenka, Ph.D. 

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences

/ Faculty of Arts Charles University

  • The Subject-area board monitors and evaluates doctoral studies, coordinates the planning of the content of studies and evaluates the implementation of the doctoral programme.

  • Approves the student's individual study plan, dissertation topics and proposes to the Dean the appointment or removal of a supervisor.

  • Evaluates the learning of individual students, particularly through the approval of student evaluations and changes to the student's Individual Curriculum (Individual Study Plan)

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