Individual Curriculum and Annual Assesment

Individual curriculum and Annual assessment

  • The study of the doctoral study programme is carried out according to an Individual curriculum (Individual Study Plan - ISP) under the guidance of a supervisor and usually with the participation of a consultant.

    • The supervisor and consultant for a given student are appointed and dismissed by the dean on the proposal of the departmental board.

    • Together with the student, the tutor draws up an individual study plan, the content of which is:

      • aopic of the dissertation

      • a list of study obligations, scientific, research or other creative duties, planned or recommended foreign stays or other internships or teaching activities.

    • The student is obliged to submit the individual study plan drawn up in this way via the electronic information system to the supervisor; if he or she fails to do so by the deadline set by the Dean's measure, he or she has not fulfilled the requirement set out in these Regulations and his or her studies will be terminated. The supervisor is obliged to submit an individual study plan to subject-area board.

    Individual curriculum (Individual Study Plan)

    • a list of all study obligations in accordance with the study plan of the field of study,

    • academic years of fulfilling individual study obligations,

    • a form of control of the study of the subject (attestation),

    • academic year of passing the State Doctoral Examination (SDE),

    • the topic/title of the dissertation and the language of preparation (if different from the language in which the study is accredited), including the academic year of submission.

  • Working with an Individual curriculum (Individual Study Plan in SIS - info)

Subject-area board

  • The study is monitored and evaluated by a disciplinary board established in accordance with the applicable regulations.

  • The activities of the Board are directed by a chairman, who is elected from among its members.

  • The Branch Council is entitled to submit suggestions to the Dean for approval. It communicates with the student, the advisor or advisee, and the faculty advisor.

  • Subject-area board in particular:

    • Monitors and evaluates the entire study.

    • Proposes to the Dean the appointment of a supervisor and consultant.

    • Aassesses and approves the individual study plan proposed by the supervisor and its annual update.

    • Makes sure that the dissertation topic is in line with the SPS, praises the dissertation topic and changes the topic based on the opinion of the supervisor.

    • Approves periodic, but no longer than annual, evaluations proposed by the supervisor.

The Supervisor

  • The study is supervised by a supervisor appointed by the dean on the proposal of the departmental board.

    The supervisor shall in particular:

    • He/she is responsible for the quality of the doctoral project and for the professional guidance of the student.

    • Together with the student, he or she draws up an individual study plan for the entire standard period of study and its annual update, and submits it to the departmental board.

    • Approves the topic of the dissertation and methodologically guides its preparation.

    • He/she monitors the student's studies and the progress of his/her scientific work and regularly consults.

    • Proposes to the departmental board a periodic, but no longer than annual, evaluation of the student.

    • Proposes to the Dean, through the departmental council, the possible appointment of a consultant.

  • The faculty always implements the doctoral study programme in both full-time and combined forms of study. The modification of the conditions of the combined study, i.e. the proportion of full-time and distance forms, is determined within the individual study plan on the basis of the accreditation of a given Study plan.

Course of study

  • According to the Code of study and examination, a student of a doctoral study programme has one regular and one make-up examination date; a student may take credit for a registered course no more than twice.

  • If a student fails to meet the obligation given by the ISP in an academic year due to non-attendance on an examination date - one term will be forfeited as such.

  • In case of failure to meet the obligation, the student applies (via SIS) for a transfer of the obligation to the next year (makes a change of the academic year in which he/she wants to fulfill the obligation.

Annual Assessment

  • The supervisor regularly (but at least once a year) evaluates the fulfilment of the individual study plan in the SIS module and submits this evaluation, for the accuracy of which he or she is responsible, to the departmental board for approval.

  • The student submits the evaluation at the invitation of the supervisor or in the case of regular evaluation by the deadline set in the schedule of the respective academic year.

  • A proposal for a regular, but no longer than annual, evaluation of the student is prepared by the student and the supervisor, taking into account the results of partial examinations and attestations, the course and results of scientific work.

  • As part of the evaluation, the fulfilment of obligations is checked (fulfilled obligations must be entered in the index and in the SIS. In the case of failure to meet the obligation, the student applies (via SIS) for a transfer of the obligation to the next year (makes a change of the academic year in which he/she wants to meet the obligation.

  • According to the Code of study and examination, a student of a doctoral study programme has one remedial term; a student may take credit for a registered course no more than twice. If a student fails to meet the obligation given by the ISP for a given academic year due to non-attendance at the examination date - one term is thus forfeited.

  • As part of the Annual assessment, a student can update their ISP, i.e. update the academic year of their obligations in the following term.

  • Annual assessment in SIS info

  • Rating of Annual assessment

    • The supervisor reviews and evaluates the student's proposal

    • The proposal of the supervisor is decided by the disciplinary board, which states that the student:

      • fulfils the individual study plan; a student who has incompletely fulfilled the individual study plan for reasons worthy of special consideration is also assessed in this way – RATED "A"

      • does not fulfil parts of the individual study plan without serious reasons - RATED "B"

      • has not fulfilled the obligations of the individual study plan; is not interested in studying; does not consult (this circumstance is grounds for termination of studies) - RATED "C"

  • Subject-area board meet in October of each academic year. It is practical to submit any applications (by the Annual assessment submission deadline) at the Subject-area board meeting.

  • Any application shall be made on the prescribed form, the supervisor shall be informed of its contents and shall sign it.

Last change: June 2, 2023 13:42 
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