• Admission
  • General Conditions for all study Programmes

General Conditions for all study Programmes

Information on the admission procedure:

Applications for doctoral studies are accepted by the Department of science the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University.

Application form requirements:

  1. Signed application form (printed or on the prescribed form). The application form can be completed electronically (www.is.cuni.cz/studium/) or on the prescribed form.

    • The application form shall be firmly accompanied by the original order by which the student has paid the admission fee. The admission fee will not be refunded in the event of non-attendance or failure at the admission examination. The application form must contain the required attachments.

  2. Application attachments

    1. Proof of completed university studies:

      an applicant who has completed university studies must attach a certified copy of his/her master's degree or submit a certified copy of his/her master's degree by 30 September 2023

      • an applicant who has obtained a foreign higher education by completing studies in any type of study programme at a foreign university shall submit one of the following documents by 22 October 2023:

        • proof of general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic under Sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act or under previous legislation, or

        • a foreign document of foreign higher education, which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic according to its international obligations without any further official procedure (a higher education diploma from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, in the case of Slovenia only for diplomas issued after the completion of master's degree programmes), or

        • an applicant who has obtained a foreign higher education by completing studies in any type of study programme at a foreign university shall submit one of the following documents by 22 October 2023:

          • proof of general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic under Sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act or under previous legislation, or

          • a foreign document of foreign higher education, which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic according to its international obligations without any further official procedure (a higher education diploma from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, in the case of Slovenia only for diplomas issued after the completion of master's degree programmes),


          • foreign proof of foreign higher education, which the faculty will assess itself (fee 880 CZK).

      • Detailed information on how to prove compliance with the condition of proper completion of studies in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme for graduates of foreign universities can be found on the Faculty's website, section Applicants, documents.

      • Documents must be physically sent to the faculty address: Thákurova 3, 160 00 Praha 6 till 31 August 2023 at the latest.

      • The fee is payable at the same time as the application fee or at the time the applicant requests an assessment of their foreign education as part of the admissions process. Account number: 32034061/0100.

    2. A structured curriculum vitae signed by the applicant, including an overview of the applicant's professional activities to date (list of publications and scientific activities, internships, participation in conferences, foreign stays, etc.)

    3. Resume of the defended diploma thesis (in case the application is submitted before the defence of the resume of the thesis to be defended)

    4. Signed dissertation project proposal according to the prescribed formal structure (dissertation topic and thesis, problem statement, research question, hypothesis, research method, timetable, sources and list of literature; for the Theology programme: topic, its significance, objectives, method, bibliography, timetable)

      • It is recommended that the candidate consult the dissertation project with the potential supervisor in advance. A record of the consultation, indicating the name of the consulted teacher and his/her signature, should be included in Annex 3. Professors and associate professors may be appointed to supervise dissertations. Exceptionally, assistant professors and other experts with a scientific rank and creative activity corresponding to the content of the dissertation, approved by the Faculty's Scientific Council, may also be entrusted with the dissertation. Supervisors and consultants are appointed and dismissed by the dean on the proposal of the departmental board.

    5. Signed application for specialisation (Theology programme) / specialization (History of Christian Art programme and Church and General History programme) within the programme on the prescribed form; the downloadable form is available here.

    6. Indication of the language in which the entrance exam will be taken on the prescribed form with signature (not valid for the study programme Church and General History), the downloadable form is available here. For the Theology programme, this supplement can be replaced by an official certificate of successful completion of a world language examination at level B2 or above.

    7. The applicant for study submits a certificate of personal integrity (meaning "a written testimony on the practice of religious life, describing the manner in which he/she exercises his/her freedom of religion; in relation to this written testimony, the admission examination then examines, among other things, whether the applicant, by exercising his/her freedom of religion, has acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for the study of theology to a reasonable and necessary degree (required by the Statute of the Faculty of Theology of the Charles University, Art. A brief written testimony (max. 1 A4) is to be written by the candidate himself and signed by an official representative of the Church: the Ordinary or Major Religious Superior in the case of candidates for the priesthood and consecrated persons, in other cases by a priest who knows the candidate personally, or by the Faculty Chaplain ( ), or another priest teaching at the faculty.

      • Does not apply to the study programme: General Theory and History of Art and Culture, History of Christian Art.

Mandatory application form:

  • Each of the Annexes 1-5 starts on a new page of A4, is marked in the header with the number of the Annex (in the words 'Annex 1', etc.), the name of the applicant and the field of study for which the applicant is applying. The pages of each annex are neither bound nor stapled together.

  • If the application form is not properly completed or if it does not contain the required attachments, the faculty will invite the applicant to correct the deficiencies and will set a reasonable deadline for doing so. If the deficiencies are not remedied within this time limit, the admission procedure will be terminated.

Submission of the application form

Deadline for submission of applications: the 30th of April 2023

Programmes opening in the Academic Year 2023/2024

Study programme

Lenght of study

Form of study


Church and General History


4 years

full-time study

part-time study; combined study

History of Christian Art


4 years

full-time study

part-time study; combined study

Catholic Theology


4 years

full-time study

part-time study; combined study

Last change: March 16, 2023 15:30 
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